
How my first solo trip happened

By on July 26, 2018

I never thought my solo trip would ever happen, but it just happened when I had to stay alone at home and my boyfriend suggested me to travel solo instead and I can’t thank him enough for this. Initially, I was not sure and  being honest I was a bit unhappy with his suggestion, with the thoughts like this (how the hell he can say this to me, I wouldn’t be able to communicate, I would feel awkward and lonely,  won’t he miss me, doesn’t he know I have never even crossed the border of my city alone and this time it was a foreign country with an alien language,  How am I going to manage everything, what if I got lost, Doesn’t he want to travel with me, doesn’t he know how much my parents were worried about my journey from India to Japan) but I gathered all the confidence and overcame my fear and said yes to this enriching lifetime opportunity.

osaka city
Roaming in Osaka city

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Living trash free

By on November 10, 2017

Cities are generating more garbage than ever, it is one of the catastrophes along with the decreasing health-rate. In my view processing the waste generated which is increasing day by day with the modern lifestyle. The most important thing is to prevent trash from generating. Let our carbon footprints be clean to live healthily and leave a sustainable world for our children.

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Reflecting positivity

By on October 30, 2017

Appearances are everything these days.mirrors are reflections of our thoughts

Everyone is obsessed with making life look like perfect. Proving the trip enjoyable on Instagram is more important than the trip itself. Girls buy dresses more for the facebook profile than the actual occasion. People spend time in following the life of celebrities more than their own. We have created a perfect looking virtual life and have escaped from reality. The truth is: it has created voids in our life. Space, which we try to fill with stuff.

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Health & Fitness | Life

10 Reasons to start building muscles

By on October 11, 2017

Muscles aren’t just for a bulky look, everyone needs a fair amount of muscles through a regular exercise to stay healthy. Muscle mass has so many benefits apart from great looks, including efficient metabolism of calories, fast recovery from disease and energetic life. Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, muscle atrophy, joint injury, cervical pains and stress are some of the consequences of our modern sedentary lifestyle and they don’t need to be an inevitable part of our life. We can beat them by devoting few minutes of our day.

Though the perks of building muscles are limitless, here are few of them. 🙂build muscles

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How to declutter your mind? Relieve stress and anger

By on September 7, 2017

Hello friends,



Like most of us, I had difficulty handling my emotions like some days I have no control over my anger, irritation and frustration (most of the time I don’t even have a valid reason, I kept blaming other things for that, If someone is not giving me time, If someone around me is not in good mood It starts bothering me, a bad weather 😀 and all such stupid reasons), it hurts me most and consumes lots of my energy and time. I couldn’t concentrate on my work or other things and disturb my atmosphere with my negativity.

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Finding purpose and passion in life

By on May 26, 2017

Do you feel you have no passion? Do you feel you don’t have goals and dreams? You can’t find out what you want to do for rest of your life?


Before finding the passion you must know what it exactly is, it is not your hobby, not something you love to do at a moderate level, It is something you have obsessed just a level before the craziness.

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Health & Fitness | Life

10 habits to improve your life

By on April 25, 2017

A better life is not achieved just by thinking, it gradually becomes better with better choices and habits in your routine, which may seem very small now but will add great quality to your mental and physical health. You can add these habits each at a time, that way it would be easier for you to adopt them in your life.

Switching to good habits can bring you healthy and happier life as achieving either happiness or good health both are an inside job, thus it needs a healthy body and mind, which can only happen with your small efforts towards your own well-being. I am sharing few ways to do it.



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