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How to be Productive during COVID19 Pandemic

April 13, 2020

When life gives you lemons better take out juice, make margaritas and then store some. Time seems to have seized for each one of us to rejuvenate nature including us. These pandemic days are difficult for all of us in different ways. We might not be able to pursue daily tasks but we can utilize it in many ways while staying at home. When quarantine arrived with this pandemic initially we were stuck. We all are facing a different crisis but we still have ourselves and our family together, and slowly we found different ways to get involved in different productive and self-constructing activities. The things we were postponing since long have now got in a routine, the guitar hanging as a showpiece with the dust settling on it over time has now getting finger strokes. All those saved recipes on Instagram are now in action and so on.

I am sharing the things I have identified to be useful during this self-quaratine time and how you can utilize most of your time. We all must be having different resources and things convenient for some are not the same for others. I am sharing some ways which can be common for all of us.

First of all the days we have are like a clean slate and we are to decide how we are going to make it in something. Make a routine or write down things you wanted to do from very long time but were pending due to hectic schedule it may include getting in better shape and health, learning a new skill, getting spiritual, reading your favorite novels, improving mental health, spending time with family, organizing your space, finding a better job, expanding your social circle online, etc it can be anything. Make a list of all that comes in your mind. Now try to incorporate it in your routine at the time you feel most active and try to do one task at a time, focus completely and enjoy each task, in this way you will start seeing how the quality of your work changes. Making a schedule is most important otherwise you will never know how your days passed just lying and indulging in sleep and food. You will find yourself only tired and guilty after that and depression cases are increasing by many folds during these days. So stick to the same schedule and in a few days, your biological clock will remind you of your time for sam tasks every day.

If you are thinking of productive things, I am sharing some with you

  1. Yoga and Meditation: Yoga with meditation is a perfect combo for a healthy body and mind. Yoga can be followed by all your family members. you can decide any time when everyone is free so that all of you can do it together. There are many good yoga videos on youtube with proper instructions that you can use. It should be the must to do on your list.
  2. Sticking to eat healthily: It is the best time to avoid processed and packages food when you know you do not have the option of eating out. You have no excuse of not sticking to a healthy diet. If you decide to make fried or heavy food someday try to have it at breakfast and not at dinner. You can find many healthy food options on my blog.
  3. Spend half an hour every day on Linkedin: Nowadays, Linkedin is the best platform to find jobs, finding people of the same interest or profession and whom you think can help you in your business/profession. You never know which of your contact will be helpful in the future.
  4. Play that hanging and dusting guitar now: Think of when you bought that guitar and how you dreamed to play it someday. There will be no better time for it. You can find many online classes to learn it. There would be many supplies like this waiting at our home for attention.
  5. Learn a new skill: Things keep on updating with technology and you should always keep on brushing your knowledge. Find a skill related to your profession and learn it now. There are websites like, which offer great courses taught by experts at a nominal cost. You can also find many free courses. If you are a new signup you can get many courses for as low as 10 USD. There are courses on every subject like Data Science, MBA, Language, Personal development, Instruments, Machine Learning, IT, Software, Blogging, Arts and so on.
  6. Indulge in Self-Care: Do every possible thing to feel relaxed and loved. You have been working hard and hardly find time to look after yourself. Give yourself time for grooming, a good song, your favorite food, walk on your terrace and stare at the sky with that moon and stars now when the sky is clear after a long long time.
  7. Gardening: Devote some time in sowing some seeds and observe them growing day by day as you water them. It is a good feeling getting a result for your daily act, you will see yourself more patient and consistency and you will see yourself doing the same in your work. If you can not go to the garden at least you have some nature at your home. When I was able to get results of getting some herbs after some months of watering and caring for them, I got so overwhelmed for the farmers. How much effort they put in for what we get for such a low cost.
  8. Organize your space: When you will declutter your space you will not only feel peaceful but will find many things, books, games you forgot you had. Your mom will be happy too to see your room tidy. Also, get involved in daily chores, why not give your homemaker some rest when you can.

So that was my advice on how to get most of the self-quarantine time.


I hope you all are doing well. Take care and stay safe.

Lots of Love


  1. Nice ideas, I will add : read books, make some artistic creations (drawings, paintings, quilling, etc.), take contact with all the people you care

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