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Health & Fitness

Drinks to lose weight

July 24, 2019

No drink can be compared with water, if it comes to drink something first go for a glass of water. Water hydrates, aids in metabolism, proper body functioning, eliminates toxins and healthy skin and also helps in weight loss with more consumption. There can be no better drink than water, always remember to drink enough water.

Drinks other than water which will surely going to help you reduce weight are:

Green tea: It is richly concentrated in flavenoids and polyphenols, antioxidants which protect from heart problems and also good for skin as by it prevents  free radicals which are responsible for pigmentation and ageing. Fluorides in green tea protects from tooth decay and osteoporosis.

Coconut Water: It is known for its concentration of electrolytes(potassium), calcium, magnesium, antioxidants and proteins. It should be your first replacement for energy drinks. As there is around 400 mg of potassium a cup of coconut water it can help to balance sodium in blood and thus lowers blood pressure.

Buttermilk: It is leftover liquid after whole milk is churned into butter. Rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, probiotics and has more lactic acid than skim milk. It is low in fat and helps in weight loss.buttermilk

Tomato juice: Tomato is part of most of the cuisines, along with a tangy taste it has numerous health and beauty benefits. It is rich in beta carotene, lycopene and Vitamin C, beta carotene is very good for eyes and lycopene strengthens the walls of heart and eliminates cholesterol.tomato

Beetroot Juice: It is rich in iron, potassium, vitamin C, calcium and Vitamin A. You can also add it in your salad. Its low glycaemic index(releases very slowly in blood) makes it very beneficial for a diabetic person. It acts as a blood purifier and thus clear skin.beetroot

Lemon water: Just a lemon and water, having it empty stomach raises metabolism, cleanses stomach, boosts immunity. It is rich in Vitamin C hence very good for skin. Protects from harmful UV rays and eliminates free radicals from skin when regularly applied on skin.

Apple cider vinegar drink: Consuming apple cider vinegar mixed with water is  a great detox and increases metabolism, it reduces the level of LDL and cholesterol with regular cider

Red wine: research suggests that consuming moderate amount of red wine everyday has many health perks. Loaded with antioxidants it can be considered a beauty drink. It has a compound resveratol which has antibiotic properties and provides UV protection. Being fermented it is good for gut microme. It is also find in berries and

you can consume one serving (150 ml) everyday with dinner.

Woodapple juice: It is a medicinal plant and easily available in Indian streets in summers for very nominal price like 20 INR, and is rich antioxidants like beta carotene, thiamin, vitamin C, protein and ribloflavin. It’s daily consumption can reduce blood sugar levels, tremendously. It lowers blood cholestrol too. It is very good for stomach acidity.

Coffee: A cup of black coffee has just 10 calories, it is problem when added with much sugar and cream, infact caffiene has polyphenols and it boosts metabolism and reduces appetite and helps in weight loss. I cannot stand a day without a coffee/tea, so i always avoid putting sugar or cream in it)

So next time when you are about to choose your drink choose wisely and your body will thank you.

lots of love


  1. Nice blog on healthy drinks…I also prefer to have lime water empty stomach in the morning.. black coffee in breakfast … green tea after or before lunch.. and sometimes buttermilk and coconut water.. in summers I love woodapple juice 🙂

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