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Health & Fitness

Carbohydrates for Weight-loss

October 11, 2019

Carbohydrate is an essential nutrient and a valuable source of energy. With the lack of knowledge, we think of it as the main culprit for building body-fat and we either go for a low-carb diet or completely cut them off our diet. However, if chosen properly, they will actually be going to play an important role in cutting fat in a short time. I would like to share some introduction about how to know which carbs are good for weight loss and which to avoid. With this guide, you will know just by looking at the food which one to pick and which one to avoid. If we will try to educate ourselves about our food and the basic principle. It is going to help us in the long term and we can save our health and money.

Let us know what makes carbs good or bad.

Although all carbs break down into glucose in our body. They are of two types: simple and complex.

Simple Carbohydrates: Simple carbs are quickly digested and raise our blood sugar levels faster. They have a high glycemic index. They are all the processed foods we eat. They are highly rich in sugar with hardly any fiber. They are just carbs with much of processing. Juices, whipped creams, candies, pastries, sweets, cola, wafer, chips, cakes, nachos, white bread, etc. are simple carbohydrates.

As they give energy instantly, we start to feel hungry soon, crave even more and will be constantly hungry.

Complex Carbohydrates: Complex carbs take a longer time to break down and very slowly release the sugar in our blood. They have a low glycemic index means they release sugar slowly in our blood and that is how they are good for diabetic people and as well for the people who want to lose weight.

They are all the raw vegetables, fruits, grains, lentils, pulses without any processing. Along with some sugar, they are highly rich in fiber and starch and we feel full for a long time after eating them and we naturally eat less. The fiber in complex carbs helps burn calories and cut fat. You can eat a lot of fiber without having to count calories.

Fibers are of two types: Water Soluble and Water Insoluble.

Insoluble fiber just keeps you full and adds bulk to our stool. Wheat bran, rice bran, green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and vegetable peels have insoluble fiber. (Try to eat edible peels whenever you can as they have 30 times more nutrient and fiber than the fruit itself).

Soluble fiber slowly dissolves in water and gradually releases energy to the body. Oats, barley, nuts, fruits, pulses, lentils have soluble fiber.

For some people, high fiber food high fiber can cause gas, for them, I would suggest to figure out and avoid which food causes it and sometimes stomach finds it hard to digest high fiber as it is not used to that much fiber before. In that case, try to gradually incorporate it into the diet.

You should also increase your water intake while switching to fiber foods, as water helps in the metabolism of fiber.

Only just by deciding to always eat foods in their raw form, with peels and husk we have chosen to always eat good carbs and anyone can easily shed around 200 grams of weight in a week with a diet rich in fiber. 🙂

I hope it benefits you.

Lots of love


  1. We always think carbs are out enemy , but now unerstood that we need to take it in a proper fashion

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